Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sketching Day 2

Was listening to gensou jihen and got all GAR'd out. Decided to try and draw Fujiwara no Mokou.

Heres the album for those who were wondering
岸田教団 & The 明星ロケッツ - 幻想事変


Doe said...

Its getting there. Flesh it out.

Anonymous said...

Not bad, just keep drawing!
Maybe use ref photos or something.
Thanks for giving the title of the album, makes it easier to find!

McRohanheim said...

Your skills are remarkable! How about making a few posts with tips on how to draw? :)

Much Poopies! said...

oh nice, to be honest i am a lil jelly at your drawing skills

Gensokyo Music Central said...

Nice drawing skills.

Honda said...


But seriously, I like the drawing. Keep it up!

Frog Guy said...

I like how you've drawn the perspective and her shirt, but her face seems a little odd. Thanks for the album.