Monday, September 27, 2010

Your feeling.

Hello everyone! I'm sure many of us including myself rarely experience any kind of positive conversation. This grew even more true as I got older. So lets just discuss whats on your mind or how you are feeling at the moment(only if you are comfortable enough to share). This is the internet and we are practically all anonymous anyways. Talking to random people on the internet does count as a form of social contact so don't be shy haha!

On another note I'm thinking of doing some figure reviews on this site. I'll probably start at the end of this week. So look forward to the!(or not haha)

currently listening to:
(C78) [壁の彩度] Plustellia


Timmy's blog said...

Oke i'm new to this, what's a figure review :D?

Honda said...

I vote yes on you doing figure reviews!

librarian said...

Yeah these blogs have been pretty fun so far. I'd like to get more into the expensive hobby of buying figures so some reviews and advice on your blog would be great.

As for myself, well I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel. The day was pretty quiet as usual. I started a jaypee thread earlier about Patchouli & Hip Hop which was amusing.

Nothing special to talk about, like what you did with the layout though. I should work on mine.

brbgensokyo said...

I just post random game stuff on my blog, but I'm a jaypee visitor as well, I've considered buying figures but they're expensive and all that.

The Last Sparna said...

@littletimmy: basically just a review of an anime figure(paint job, height, posability, price etc.) They are helpful to some potential buyers on the fence.

@Rachelle: okay thanks!

@Kami: Ah i saw that post haha. I have limited funds due to my low paying job(if you even call it that). But they are recent items nonetheless. Quiet days are the best, I have a hectic next 4 days but when I get the chance to relax I'm going to turn on rainymood with some classjazz haha.
I'll be looking forward to your layout!

The Last Sparna said...

@brbgensokyo: ahh what systems do you own? I only have a ps2/3/p & pc..I'm looking to get a new computer but the $700+ price tag is delaying me for a long while..

Rawr said...

great post, supportin

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your reviews!
Nothing much on my mind at the moment, just trying to get better at drawing.

Totalitarian said...

Keep them coming!

Hip-Hop Hikikomori said...

More figure reviews can never hurt.

My master plan is to buy figures with the money I make off blogging and then review them on my blog to continue the cycle.

AKIBA-POP! said...

Not feeling much of anythign right now, a bit tired. Looking forward to those figure reviews~

J. said...

Haha, I saw that thread as well.

Figure reviews would be great!

The Last Sparna said...

@freshman: cool thanks!

@a hermit: thats good to hear! I'm going to practice proportions later because I'm god awful at drawing them. My characters head is always 2 times as big lol

@totalitarian:will do haha.

@Hip-Hop Hikikomori:sounds great! maybe we can even form an archive for the reviews when we get enough.

@Recette:sounds like a mood that goes good with tea haha. alright I'll do my best to deliver!

@J: cool thanks for the view~!

McRohanheim said...

Will your figure reviews hold a certain pattern or are you just going to pick a figure out of the blue? Just asking :)

The Last Sparna said...

@McRohanheim: you could say it'll be random but mostly just what I order. I order a somewhat diverse selection of things so I'll choose a couple @random to do a review. I guess you can consider it a surprise? hahaha

Lewis said...

nice post bro supp ya

Lewis said...

nice post
supp ya