So I studied for an exam for 2 weeks, and ended up with a 43%. Without studying I get around 40%. I must be either: really stupid, or really fucking stupid. I'm at a loss on what to do honestly, and with finals coming up I'm feeling pretty hopeless(as always). Guess I just wasted $600 on this course only to retake it next spring. How do you guys study(if it works for you). It sucks being a below average/intelligent person ;_;
I don't show up for tests. That way I don't do poorly on them. I wouldn't recommend this method if you're actually serious about a class though.
Studying boils down to personal learning abilities. It all depends on whether you're visual, tactile, etc. I find that I remember stuff easily if I write it down. If I read something or hear it in a lecture, I'll forget it 5 minutes later. Find something that caters to what you can do. If you can't find something, try seeing an advisor on campus.
That sucks for you, just try your best and follow SugoiSugoi's advice I guess. What course is it?
I can't really help as I haven't studied or taken tests since I was in school, and I wasn't very good at them either...
I had something similar happen during the summer. I did feel like I understood it the second time around though, I just wasn't practiced enough.
I usually end up cramming in violent bursts of obsessive revision just before a test.
I've never studied for anything, so I can't say. I found that I got above average scores even without studying.
Just follow SugoiSugoi's advice.
I'm really sorry to hear about that, friend. It happens to the best of us. SugoiSugoi's advice is pretty spot-on. When it comes to studying in terms of revising for tests and exams, I like to rewrite notes and things in a book; don't type it. I don't know how it works, but even if you're passively writing, you're still focusing on the words you write, thereby helping to drill it into your head and memory. But the most important thing is to study to understand, not so much to remember and memorize. Good luck :3
Ahh, I can't really help as well considering I haven't studied since high school.
Sorry to hear about that. ;_;
>How do you guys study
Whenever there was a test coming up I thought that I could study tomorrow, and did till the very last day. Then I had to study hard just to forget half of it the next day.
Well at least you didn't waste nearly $3000 dollars on all my courses like I did, just realize I'm probably going to fail all of them.
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