Monday, December 27, 2010

P&S OST is out.

Here is the FLAC Version. DDL
Here is the MP3 Version. DDL

I'm going to loop this until I get the retail copy in the mail, then continue to loop it till season 2.


Anonymous said...

Fallen Angel is going to be on repeat for the foreseeable future.

Cpt.Awesome said...

It has been awhile since I last downloaded an anime OST.

Anonymous said...

Still haven't watched P&S so I can't join in on the rabid OST craze ;_; I might marathon it on the weekend.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! I didn't realise this was out!

Anonymous said...

cool! what's the name of the piano song? i heard it around 10 mins or more into the song.

link said...

Thanks. Going to download both the series and the OST at once.