Thursday, December 30, 2010

So so much.

The Comiket 79 uploads have begun to surface. SO MUCH TO LISTENREADPLAY. I have a problem with the music due to the fact I haven't stopped playing the P&S album since the leak. Can't wait till Touhouvania II is done downloading.

Besides that I've been playing G-Senjou No Maou. On chapter 3 right now and I'm overall very satisfied so far. Pretty interesting story & characters. The sister & bestfriend have some of the worst VAs in the universe but you can mute them thankfully.

Have a great rest of the week blogger.


SugoiSugoi said...

>The sister & bestfriend have some of the worst VAs in the universe

I didn't think brodude's was bad. The sister though, Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

Even more doujin music is always a good thing.

Anonymous said...

mmmmm more doujin!

link said...

>Besides that I've been playing G-Senjou No Maou

I'll have to move this forward in my backlog. It seems interesting.